Early Spring Situation
Springtime has come with vengeance!
We are really happy to be able to get going with the outside work this week. It always takes a while for the ground outside to warm up and dry out enough to start early spring sowings. This is going quite fast this year as it seems like someone just turned on the sunshine/spring switch. If anyone out there doesn't believe in climate change, I challenge you to step outside, or examine some climate records. There is an awful lot of fake news out there surrounding climate change (climate "skeptics"), but for anyone who has the remotest connection with Nature will see for themselves that the climate is changing rapidly and radically. This is something we just have to adapt to, though water availablilty becomes are really serious concern, as with the changing climate we are already experiencing very significant declines in annual rainfall.
This aside, we are continuing to farm as we know how, and to look for ways to adapt to the changes. Lots of work went on this week - new sowings in the propagation tunnel (well done Emese!), lots of bed preparations for new plantings and sowings (well done Csaba, Logan and team), as well as plenty of harvesting (thanks to Kati) and a huge amount of background work (thank you to Kata, Áron, James, and even Matthew - although I say it myself!).
Lots going on. Keep checking us out, please!