Box Collection Points
Delivery: every Thursday of the week. Ordering: every week from Wednesday afternoon 5.00 pm to Monday evening 10.00 pm. Orders placed on Wednesday will be delivered on Thursday of the following week, not the next day!
List of Collection Points:
Cargonomia (District VIII)
Budapest-1081, II. Janos Pal papa ter, a minute away from János Pál pápa tér metro station on line 4. situated in between Népszinház and Szilágyi street on the Square. To find us on the map, click here!
Collection times: Thursdays: 4:00-7:00pm,
Gödöllő - Kútház New Wave Coffeeshop
Gödöllő, 20 Premontrei street /
Pick up time: Thursday 10.00am-7:00pm
Gödöllő - Saranko Manufacture Bakery
Gödöllő, 2 Bajcsy Zsilinszky street
Pick up time: Thursday 7.00am-6:00pm
A Waldorf közösség átvevőpontja. Gödöllő - 2100, 4 Tessedik Samuel Street
KASKA Zero Waste Shop - Biatorbagy
Biatorbagy, Baross Gábor u 3/b.
Pick up time: biweekly, (uneven weeks) Thursdays 2.00-7:00pm
Phone: +36209948032
Ligeti Bolt Pest (District XIII)
Budapest - 1137 Budapest, Katona József utca 9-11.
Pick-up time: Thursdays 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Phone number: +36 30 145 07 40
Marczi Arts Centre (District II)
Budapest - 1022, Marczibányi tér 5.a
Pick-up time: Thursdays 1.00 pm - 7.45pm
Ne pazarolj Zero Waste Shop (District II)
Budapest - 1027, 79. Fő Street.
Pick-up time: Thursdays 2.00 pm - 6.30pm
Phone number: +36202682509
Rákoscsaba Bevásárlóközösség (District XVII) - discontinued!
Budapest - 1171 Nagyszénás street 46.
Pick-up time on Thursdays, 3.00pm - 6.00pm. If you want to collect your order outside of this timeframe, please call Eva on the number below:
Phone number: +36 20 439 5780
VALYO ( District XI.)
Budapest - 1114 Budapest, 7 Kosztolányi Dezső Square.
Collection Times: csütörtök 3:00 - 6:00pm
Villa Bagatelle (District XII)
Budapest - 1124 Budapest, 17 Németvölgyi Street
Collection Times: Thursdays 3:00 - 5:45pm
Wekerle KÖZÖS Hely (District XIX)
Budapest - 1192 Nádasdy u. 1.
Pick-up on Thursdays, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm
Phone number: +36 70 339 0709
Zsámboki Biokert
2116 Zsámbok, Szent László u. 58.
Pick up time: Fridays 2.00-5.00 pm
Phone number: +36 30 072 3303