Work with us!
We are seeking an energetic, highly motivated person to train as a vegetable production assistant.
Zsámboki Biokert is a well organic-market garden and webshop-based organic vegetable box business, 60km east of Budapest. We have a stable production team, and are looking for a person to join our permanent staff.
Zsámboki Biokert is highly- committed to regenerative organic vegetable production and farming. We consider it possible to combine top-quality organic vegetable production with environmental and soil conservation. Our production is based around bio-intensive permanent beds, both outside and in high-tunnels, but we are also increasing our mechanised winter storage vegetable production.
We occasionally take on a new trainee organic vegetable production assistant, to learn (through practice) all aspects of organic vegetable production. This position has a special emphasis on winter storage vegetable production, which we are expanding, so the successful candidate will have a strong interest in machinery, and preferably some experience of tractor driving and motor mechanics.
The position is a full-time, year-round contract, 40-55 hours/week (depending on the season) - we start with a 3 month probationary period, which if successfully completed will roll into a 2 year contract, and possibly subsequently a permanent position following a 2 year training period. The salary will be based on experience. We will offer full supervision and practical training by members of our permanant vegetable production staff.
Accomodation can be negotiated on-site. It is important that the candidate undertakes to take on weekend rota duties (1 weekend in 4). The candidate needs to be flexible about work times, based around the agricultural seasons.
The sucessful candidate will be physically very fit and with good stamina, and flexible, to willingly take on a wide range of tasks and responsibilities. We work hard and intensively, in a friendly and supportive team. We are very committed to regenerative organic production, and are looking for someone with similar commitments.
Ideally the successful candidate will have:
- a current, full driving license
- mechanical knowledge and experience
- knowledge (or at least and active interest) of ecological farming system
- a willingness to be a pro-active team member
The salary will be based on experience.
Please apply by sending your CV and a motivational letter to:
Matthew Hayes
Applications close 2025.03.25.