Machinery from Mahlitzsch
At the weekend Áron and Matthew took another trip to our partner farm in Germany (where Áron worked for many years).
Mahlitzsch Hof have been incredibly generous to us, and donated some valuable second hand vegetable production machinery to us, including a specialised tractor and a lot of cultivating implements. The plan is to start this season growing more of our own vegetables for winter storage. We will continue to buy in some vegetables from reliable organic partner farms, but our aim is gradually to increase the proportion of our own grown produce. We already grow a good proportion of the fresh vegetables on the webshop, and the vast majority of the fresh green salady vegetables. There will be plenty for us to experiment with over the summer.
A very big thank you to our friends at Mahlitzsch Hof near Dresden - especially to Krisztian, the pioneer vegetable farmer!