The new season has started! But please don't get your hopes up too quickly - we have started the season, but the new crops need some time to grow.
Emese has been very busy in the propagation tunnel this week (and last), and this week we set off the first of our hotbeds. This is always a popular job, partly because it is usually out of, but also because it signals the start of the season. It looks like the hotbeds have got off to a good start - the first one was set up on Monday, and it was already up to 40 celcius today. We have the right kind of weather - clear bright skies, which allow the tunnels to really start to warm up, and kick-start the hotbeds. These are our renewable energy, environmentally heating system for our young seedlings and transplants. Hotbeds are the traditional way of heating for transplants, but not many people do this these days - too much labour and a lack of suitable animal manure.