Annual Gathering of Organic Farmers - Review
We were part of the organising group for the second national winter gathering for organic-regenerative farmers and growers. Last year we held this 2-day event in Hajdúnánás, this year in Jászfényszarú. The aim of this event is to strengthen the organic-regenerative farming movement in Hungary and as farmers and growers to share our experience, knowledge and at times wisdom with each other.
This year's event was equally successful as last year's with well over 100 farmers, growers and others coming together for a fun and informative winter gathering. The 2-days is organised not as a scientific conference but as a series of topical workshops and a few plenary sessions. The workshops is where the main knowledge and information exchange goes on. This year we organised a wide range of themes, from regenrative arable production, vegetable and fruit production to regenerative animal husbandry. We started up new sections on holistic farm planning, direct produce sales, strengthening on-farm biodiversity and social farming. Over the next couple of weeks we will report in a bit more details on some of the sessions, as the information exchange was rich.

Source: pexels.com