New Packing Station
Of the many things going on at the moment, we'd like to let you know that your boxes packed this week were packed in Gödöllő, not at Zsámbok. No, don't worry - nothing fundamental has changed, your weekly organic vegetables still come from the same farms, at the moment most from our own gardens at Zsámboki Biokert.
However, in an effort to improve our efficiency and try to offer more and to more people, we have moved our packing operation to a brand new facility in Gödöllő, which is a much better, easier to manage, easier to clean space, set up specifically for packing your boxes. Kata, Marti and Julcsi did a great job of packing in the new space for the first time this week. How did it go? Great, aside from a few glitches (Matthew forgot to bring enough empty boxes for packing - woops!). We are on a journey to improve our system, which over the coming weeks and months means more pick-up points (watch this space!), more choice of organic products, a better and easier webshop, better packing facilities.
We hope these new developments will first and foremost bring benefits to you, or loyal and valued customer!

Source: own photos