United Kingdom
This is a bit of a special period for us at Zsámboki Biokert, as Matthew, Kata and their children have gone over to the UK for a week to a big family reunion, whilst Csaba, Emese, Kati and Logan are looking after everything which needs doing on the farm.
Csaba reported that a long list of spring tasks are completed this week before the rains came on Friday such as planting the potatoes outside - this is wonderful - the team is doing a great job.
Matthew, Kata and family are staying on an agro-forestry farm in East Anglia, England. This is offering some points of inspiration, both seeing a farm where biodiversity is thriving, and where they are "stacking enterprises" - that is involving a number of people in a number of different projects on the same farm, to create employment opportunities and a mixed local food selection. It's worth checking out their website: https://wakelyns.co.uk/