Microbiome I.
We’ve been thinking and reading a lot about the gut microbiome recently. What it is. How it helps us. What it needs to be healthy.
Lots of vegetables are very valuable for gut health, and act as prebiotics, providing necessary fibre and nutrients for the healthy gut microbes to multiply and populate the microbiome. Here carrots and beetroot are excellent.
We’d love to hear from anyone among the newsletter readers (or otherwise) who are interested in or curious about the gut microbiome. What do you do to keep it healthy? Where do you go to learn about it? Who are the people you follow or listen to on this topic? How do you think we could help you have a healthier gut biome?
Please get in touch with your ideas and thoughts?
Would anyone be interested in getting together one evening in Budapest to talk about guts?
Greetings, and wishing you, your family and friends excellent gut health!