Study Visits
Last week we had our annual team excursion, when we all get away from the farm for a day, and see how other organic growers do things. This year, we visited 4 different market gardens, all operating some form of CSA (community support agriculture) sales system. This is where consumers buy "a share of the season", committing themselves to buying regularly for a whole season, to offer some financial security to the farmer.
As you know our system is a more open box system, where you, the customer choses week-by-week what you want to order, indeed whether you want to order at all. There are benefits and drawbacks to every system - like with everything in life. We visited (Szandaszogi Ökokertészet, Magosvölgy Biokert, Pallagvölgyi Biokert, Dunamező Biokert) - We are really grateful to Dezsényi Zoli (Magosvölgy) for organising the programme, to get to see all four farms. It was facinating for us to see each farm, and pick out the highlights from each - we were all very impressed with each farm, but particularly the Dezsényi family's biokert. We visited a few years ago, and since then the farm has thrived and developed a rare level of professionalism, producing wonderful looking produce. We hope to all meet again over the winter, also with other organic growers, to share knowledge and experience and build a trully sustainable local food system in our region.