Rains This Time of Year
I very much hesitate from criticising the weather in any way, as after the drought of two years ago, we are hugely grateful for rains ... however, rains at this time of year do definitely slow us down with our outside work. We have been making good progress with preparing beds and areas for planting.
As we garden on heavy, fertile soils, we need to be really careful about when we go onto the land, to avoid damage by compacting the soil. So, sometimes the best thing to do in farming is wait a few days. Waiting for us does not mean sitting on our hands, but rather just getting on with other tasks. There is nearly always weeding to do in the polytunnels, and plenty of indoor sowings to be done. The wet weather this week will give us a chance to get ahead with potting up the pepper plants - Emese who is head of propagation at Zsámboki Biokert, is always on the go.

Source: own photo