All Hands On Deck
We are full-on busy on the farm. Our outdoor potato crop is looking healthy and vigorous - lots of outdoor green crops ready to pick and going week-by-week into boxes (spinach, salad mix, lettuce heads, mángold, new potatoes, spring onions, beetroots, radishes, pak choi, kinai kell, etc, etc.).
Emese continues to do a tremendous job of producing healthy, strong transplants (tomatoes, peppers, brassicas, basil, aubergines, etc., etc.) to plant outside and in our tunnels. This is an amazing labour of love. Csaba and Logan organise great plantings of sweet potatoes, peppers, aubergines and other crops in the tunnels and outside under protective nets, Kati keeps up with the almost endless task of harvesting, while Kata leads her team of packers to get the weekly box orders ready and looking lovely. Matthew holds all of these diverse activites together and does all tasks which noone has time for, as well as he is delivering and selling all the delicious vegetables at the Budapest Ökopiac. All hands on deck!

Source: Oown photos