Summer Camps
June and July are our summer camp season. Following the groups of Waldorf School students, we had la Petite Mousqueteers french language summer camp, based here last week, and now this week we have the now regular Cargonomia adobe house renovation summer camp.
This is organised and run by Cargonomia (Logan, Vincent and Orsolya). We do none of the organising, but just make our site available for camping and cooking, etc. As many of you will know, we have a well established and embedded collaboration with Cargonomia. Their interns programme regularly come to our garden over the growing season on Wednesdays and Fridays to get farming/gardening experience. Whilst we don't promote ourselves as "degrowthers" (it would seem a bit weird, given that our business is growing!), but we are philosophical fellow travellers, and see the work of Zsámboki Biokert as being part of a global movement to re-establish local, smaller-scale, low impact, nature compatible production. We are close friends and colleagues with Cargonomia, and we are proud to be able to share programmes with them. The summer camp is all about renovating the Cargonómia house, in the same street in Zsámbok as Zsámboki Biokert. Logan in particular has put a huge amount of effort into transforming the house and garden - we hope they will make plenty of progress this week.