At this time of year we are focussed on 2 things: 1. processing our tomatoes, paprika, basil, aubergines, etc., into lecsó, pesto, aubergine cream, etc.2. the garden team are all very busy preparing new beds, making new sowings and transplantings in preparation for the autumn. Although summer logically seems to be the best time for peak harvest, with the biggest range of crops, actually for us, we focus more on Spring and Autumn, and will probably concentrate even more on this. Sales in the summer are always much less, as of course many people are taking holidays, travelling, or perhaps growing their own, but also we experience that the summer heat and UV gets year-by-year more intense, to the point where our favourite leafy crops don't succeed, and certainly don't thrive, so we need to plan our future strategy for summer production.

Source: own photo