Bioberta and Simai Apiary
Bit-by-bit we are working on developing our box system and seeing how we can improve it to benefit you, our customers. These last weeks we have been trying to source a new range of products (last week the Szentábrahami Teas, this week a wider selection of Bioberta products and Simai méz - next week you should already be able to start tasting pastas and other products.
Many of you will already be familiar with Bioberta products. The Berta family is a well established organic family enterprise, spanning many generations, from "Daddy Berta", who was a pioneer in organic farming in Hungary, through to the two generations of Berta's who now manage the farm operation. Unlike many farming businesses the Berta family has been able to manage the transition from the parent Bertas to the younger generation. Bioberta is based in Fajsz, close to the town of Kalocsa - classic hungarian Fűszer paprika country. Meet them here: Bioberta. (only available in Hungarian)
Simai Krisztián a few years ago fell in love with the smell and sound of bees, when he accompanied a beekeeper friend. Since then Simai Mehészet has grown and developed a wide range of honey and beeswax products. Meet them here: Simai Mehészet. (Only available in Hungarian).

Source: own photo