Paprika veggies with Corn Salad
wintery root veggies (a few of each kind), eg. carrots, celeriac, purple onions, potatoes, purple cabbage, parsnips and parsley roots
salt and oil
a few cloves of garlic
Let's chop everything into small pieces. Firstly, cook potatoes in a little boiling, salty water. Once it starts to soften, add the rest of the veggies and put lid on. When the veggies start softening, too, add the ground paprika, be generous with it! - and add the garlic, too. Put lid on a let it cook until very soft and get the lovely, summery outside campsite smell in the flat what you have when brewing veggies in a cauldron outside in a summer evening.
Serve it with corn salad sprinkled with olive oil, and add a splash of apple cider vinegar to the stew.